New Thing Nurse

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What Witnessing a Code Does to Us...

By: Sarah K. Wells, MSN, RN, CEN, CNL

What is a Code: For the context of this post, a Code is a coordinated resuscitation effort to deliver ACLS or PALS care to a patient

Who is the “us”: Members of the healthcare team that are part of the Code response or who witness the Code response

How witnessing a Code impacts us: Codes are traumatic to witness, let alone participate in. The impacts on those healthcare team members involved can cause a range of emotions with the negative severe effects potentially being as serious as conditions such as PTSD, depression, SI, etc

Why am I talking about this?: The tragic incident of #damarhamlin receiving CPR and a potential defibrillation on the field during this week’s Bills vs Bengals game exposed millions around the world to a Code. People are reacting strongly. Players at the game walked off the field. Discussion is happening about how people are feeling after witnessing such an event.

Where does that leave HCWs?: While the world gets to discuss and feel for days or more about witnessing a Code online, on TV or live at the game, HCWs are going to work and participating in Codes as just another day or night at the office. We need to start discussing better preparation options for HCWs involved in Code response work in terms of management of the stress and trauma for those involved, increased mental health support for all HCWs, and continue the meaningful conversations about the society’s disparity of expectations for the public vs those that work in healthcare.

Bottom Line: We save lives for a job, but we must protect ourselves above all else because what happens when no one is left to respond to the next Code?

Reader: Are you a nurse or healthcare worker who has participated in a Code response? How have these experiences affected you? What helpful resources would you want other HCWs to know about?

About the Author: Sarah K. Wells, MSN, RN, CEN, CNL is an 11+ year nurse with over 10 years of that working in the Emergency Department. Sarah has helped with countless Codes and has experienced many mental health effects due to this work.  Sarah hopes to see more work being done to support nurses and other HCWs focused specifically on providing psychological safety and increasing their mental healthcare access.